Requested actions
- Support families in meeting school and childcare-related immunization requirements.
- Be aware of the State Board of Health immunization rule change. Anticipate increased requests and demand.
- Be aware of the new guidelines regarding Tdap in schools.
- Provide students with medically verified immunization records for schools. Students must have their records by the first day of school.
- Follow CDC guidance to safely immunize children in your healthcare facility during COVID-19.
- Contact and request families who have missed well-child visits and vaccinations to come in for an appointment.
Decreased immunizations place our county at increased risk for a vaccine preventable disease outbreak.
August and September are typically busy times for well-child visits. Because of COVID-19, many outpatient pediatric visits were cancelled or delayed. In April 2020, Yakima County immunizations dropped by 42.8% in pediatric vaccines administered compared to the average number from 2015-2019. Although numbers are improving, they were still significantly lower in May and June compared to prior years.
While most Yakima County schools are proceeding with distance learning, there will be in-person learning for some of our children this fall. These congregate settings, as well as our daycare’s and other childcare facilities pose an increased risk of disease outbreak and transmission. An outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease on top of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic would place a large strain on our healthcare system. Even if schools do not return in an in-person setting, students are still required to be up to date on school required vaccines on the first day of school.
Updated vaccine rules are in effect.
Washington State Board of Health’s change to Washington Administrative Code Chapter 246-105 is in effect for the 2020-2021 school year. These changes may spur an increased demand for well-child visits. The change has 3 components:
- Medically verified immunization records are required for school and childcare entry.
- The state has clarified the definition of conditional status. Students must have all school required vaccines or exemptions and all paperwork on the first day of school.
- The Tdap requirement has changed from 6th-12th grades to 7th-12th grades. All students entering 7th grade must have a Tdap on or after their 10th birthday. Students in 8th-12th grades must have a Tdap dose on or after their 7th birthday based on the previous guidelines.
Prepare children for school.
- Make sure students are up to date on their vaccines by the first day of school.
- Provide families with immunization records or encourage them to use MyIR to print the Certificate of Immunization Status. Each school needs the immunization records for all students for attendance.
- Ensure school orders and medical authorizations are up to date. Students need them to safely attend school. Pay extra attention to life-saving medications like inhalers and epi-pens.
- Specify whether students can carry inhalers and/or epi-pens. This is especially important for students in afterschool activities.
- Complete sports physicals for student-athletes who may still be training despite modification, postponement, or cancellation of usual sports activities.
Resources to safely provide in-person services
- Providing pediatric well-care during COVID-19—American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Critical updates on COVID-19—American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Health supervision of infants, children and adolescents, 4th edition—Bright Futures.
- Information for pediatric healthcare providers—CDC.
Additional resources
- Please continue vaccinating patients during COVID-19—Washington State Department of Health.
- Vaccination guidance during a pandemic—CDC.
- Guiding principles for immunization activities during the COVID-19 pandemic—World Health Organization.