Pacific Power’s Medical Certificate Program For Qualifying Customers to Receive Extra Notifications During Public Safety Power Shutoff Events

stethoscope sitting on laptop keyboard


Pacific Power’s Medical Certificate Program

To help Washington customers prepare for emergencies and potential power outages, Pacific Power’s Medical Certificate Program ensures that qualifying customers will receive extra notifications whenever possible during Public Safety Power Shutoff events for those that have a medical condition that requires use of electrically powered medical equipment in the home.

Enrollment in the medical certificate program does not guarantee that power will not be interrupted by a weather-related outage, other circumstances outside of Pacific Power’s control or a service disconnection due to bill nonpayment.

Actions Requested

  • Inform and educate patients to ensure eligible patients are aware of Pacific Power’s Medical Certificate Program and additional Public Safety Power Shutoff notifications.
  • Assist patients in completing the medical certificate program application (English or Spanish).

Eligibility for Medical Certificate Program

Residential customers are eligible for the Medical Certificate program if they have a serious health condition that could be aggravated by a loss of power in their home or a serious medical condition that requires use of electrically powered medical equipment in the home. Examples include (but are not limited to) conditions that require the use of an electric powered mobility device, like a scooter or wheelchair; multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, or other condition that requires additional heating and/or cooling needs; and/or any condition that requires use of medication that needs to be kept refrigerated (such as insulin).

How to Apply

A qualified medical professional- such as a Medical doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Physician Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (NP)- will need to complete a Medical Certificate form that includes a short description of the equipment used in the home. The form can be completed online by a qualified medical professional at If the form is printed and filled out (English or Spanish), the patient can send it by mail or fax to:

Attention: Medical Certificates

P.O. Box 400

Portland, Oregon 97207-0400

Fax: 1-877-283-7697

Additional Information

Pacific Power Medical Certificate Program

Public Safety Power Shutoff