Requested Actions
- Test all pregnant women for syphilis at the first prenatal encounter.
- Repeat syphilis testing during the third trimester among women at risk for STD (e.g., recent history of bacterial STD, multiple partners, homelessness; methamphetamine, opioid, or cocaine use; exchanging sex for money, drugs, etc.; having a sex partner who is a man who has sex with men).
- If a mother delivers with no syphilis serology on record, ensure completion of syphilis serologic testing prior to discharge of the mother and baby.
- Within three days, report any clinical or laboratory evidence of syphilis in pregnant women, delivering mothers, or their infants to the Health Department.
- Within three days, report all suspected and confirmed cases of syphilis to the Health Department.
- Syphilis increases are occurring statewide, particularly in larger urban areas (e.g., King, Spokane, Pierce, Snohomish and Yakima Counties).
- These increases raise concern because syphilis is known to facilitate the transmission of HIV.
- Heterosexual cases are occurring as well as among men who have sex with men.
- Neurologic and ocular involvement has been reported more frequently than in prior years.
Additional Resources
- CDC: Syphilis in STD Treatment Guidelines 2015.
- CDC: Clinical Advisory: Ocular Syphilis in the United States.
Questions? Contact Yakima Health District at (509) 575-4040 or (800) 535-5016.